Errol Wilkinson

Well what a journey!! Acquiring my TAE40116 – Certificate IV in Training and Assessing was the most challenging learning experience of my life!!

Having a passion for teaching/lecturing is a wonderful thing. It really is Very Rewarding to see students succeed!!

In typical Australian standards of excellence however, we trainers must be appropriately skilled to teach our students so as to match, or exceed that passion. Our students deserve nothing less!!

For my case, transitioning from just DOING the hands on Fitting & Machining work, to learning how to TEACH the hands on Fitting & Machining work, has the added element of physical injury risk. I started to get nervous. As humans, we sometimes self-doubt, asking ourselves “Do I really have what it takes?”

Nicholas and the team at iLearn eCollege get ALL of this!! They were there with me through thick and thin, by email and phone, particularly toward the end of my studies and a self imposed deadline. Well worth the course fees, even at full price!!

They didn’t just help me with the course terminology, they walked me through it over the phone, asking me questions around my industry to help illustrate and highlight the directions I needed to take whenever I got stuck.

Thank you Nick, Tonya, Paraic, Shelley and others. Seriously, the words “Thank You” aren’t enough.

Kind Regards,